Webhook Integration
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We offer secure webhook functionality for third party systems to integrate with our alerts platform. By default an alert will be sent to the third party integration webhook endpoint and can then be used with many other platforms and integrations. We currently support the following third party integration platforms as well as custom webhook endpoints:
Example Webhook Address:
Once you have your webhook address, you will want to head back to CUBE3 Panorama and select Alerts page, then click on Destination Tab, and then Add destination button.
To integrate your new Webhook integration, give your destination a name, then select Webhook from the Channel, and enter the Webhook URL, and select if this alert destination is enabled or disabled by default. When those items are complete click the Add Destination button.
You should now see the new Webhook destination in the list of destinations.
To test the Webhook integration, select the three dots menu, and then select Test from the menu. Once you hit the test menu button, you will be alerted with a test transaction message which will ask you to check your webhook you configured as your destination.
Your Webhook destination is now live. Once you have configured an alert to use this destination and you have a matching alert for transactions from your subscribed Alerts, it will show up in the transaction page. You can disable your Webhook destination anytime by clicking disable in the configuration menu.