6. Inspection

Learn about inspecting transactions on your protected contracts



CUBE3 RASP product not only allows you to block malicious transactions but also inspect them in real time. For that, visit https://panorama.cube3.ai/transactions.

Transactions dashboard

On the transactions page, you can see all transactions on your protected smart contracts. Here are the headers:

  • CUBE3 Transaction ID - unique transaction ID for CUBE3 services

  • Address - represents an address name that you specified during the registration process (read more here)

  • Score - constant that represents the safety of a transaction

  • Status - one of 3 - Safe, Warning, Unsafe

  • Enforcement - either Passed or Blocked

  • Network - network on which the transaction was executed

  • Date - date of transaction execution

In the example below, we have 3 executed transactions on a RASP protected smart contract (on-chain) with status of Safe, Warning, and Unsafe transactions:

Analyze a specific transaction

Expanded transaction has two sections:

  1. Risk Score - using a score indicator, see how safe this transaction is. Bellow, see the score for Cyber, Fraud and Compliance categories.

  2. Transaction info - see addresses involved in this transaction.

To start to see an actual transaction on the transactions dashboard, follow the Interaction section.

Last updated