Testing Guide
This guide provides test scenarios to help you evaluate the capabilities of the CUBE3.AI platform.
CUBE3.AI is a real-time crypto fraud and crime prevention platform. Using probabilistic AI models, it protects digital assets, increases revenue, minimizes losses, and automates fraud prevention.
1. Fraud: Detects deceptive activities like token scams and Ponzi schemes.
2. Cyber: Monitors EOAs and smart contracts for potential exploits.
3. Compliance: Identifies non-compliant EOAs and smart contracts.
Your CUBE3.AI contact will provide a detailed list of threat categories detected by our models. If you're interested in any specific risk types not currently covered, please contact us to discuss how quickly we can add support.
Addresses are assessed on a probabilistic scale of confidence from 1 to 100, derived by our AI from various intent, pattern, or historical signals. Use the following ranges to interpret risk scores:
• 0-30: Green. Very unlikely to be malicious or have an illicit history.
• 31-69: Yellow. Signals of malicious intent or history. Should be engaged with caution but not declined by default.
• 70-100: Red. Very high confidence of malicious intent or illicit history. Engage with utmost caution and consider declining by default.
Consider adjusting your risk parameters based on your business needs and risk tolerance. Consult with your CUBE3.AI representative for optimal settings.
Scenario 1: Address Lookup
Objective: Evaluate risk assessments using the Inspector tool.
Sign up at CUBE3 Panorama with your business email. We will automatically generate a tenant account for your domain. Your colleagues can register using their business email to access the same tenant data.
Use the Inspector tool to enter a wallet, contract, or transaction address (e.g., Ethereum address: 0xebc29199c817dc47ba12e3f86102564d640cbf99).
Review the risk score. If the score is above 30, check the risk reasons and risk history.
Remember, each address is scored separately per chain; riskiness on one chain does not imply maliciousness on another. If there are signs of risk on any chain, proceed with caution.
If you think the risk score is incorrect, please contact us for a review.
To thoroughly test, consider the following:
Use addresses that have impacted your business in the past.
Test with your own wallets and contracts.
Refer to 3rd party sites like Rekt.news for known malicious addresses.
Search for crypto scam addresses on Twitter/X.
Refer to the document from your CUBE3.AI contact for the specific threat coverage.
Scenario 2: Monitor Your Addresses
Objective: What does the CUBE3.AI engine think of your own transactions? Follow the following steps to setup Monitor and find out.
Open Monitor in the portal, then click the "Add address to Monitor" button.
Next, add the wallet or contract address that you want to monitor.
Now enter your email to add alerts for when CUBE3.AI detects risky transactions. You can learn to adjust your alerts thresholds on the zAlerts page.
Once you have registered your first monitor, you will be able to see it in your Monitor tab. Contact your CUBE3.AI contact to get an increase on Free Tier limits (3 addresses, 1K monthly tx).
NEXT: open Transactions tab to see risk scores for each transaction processed by your address after you setup the Monitor.
Note that most transactions will be green, therefore safe.
Many of the yellow transactions will involve transacting with addresses that have likely illicit history.
Red transactions either involve well known bad actors, or an incident affecting your address.
Scenario 3: API Testing
Objective: Test CUBE3.AI by sending API queries to your addresses. This is useful for testing large batches of addresses. Note that many customers use our API as part of their business processes and/or products to screen for inbound and outbound risks.
You can access all of our real-time product capabilities via API using your API Key page found in settings.
Find the detailed explanation of our Inspector API here.
Send a request to get the risk score of an address.
Analyze the API response.
For testing our Firewall (RASP) product, advanced capabilities, and custom requirements, please contact your CUBE3.AI representative.
Providing Feedback
Your feedback is essential for improving CUBE3.AI. Contact us via:
CUBE3 contact
Our joint Telegram Group
Email: feedback@cube3.ai
Thank you for the opportunity to unlock value for your business,
Last updated